Entries from 2023-04-01 to 1 month

The Thames And I: A Memoir Of Two Years At Oxford by Prince Naruhito

After finishing the book, my impression was how truly exceptional His Majesty is as a scholar. It became clear to me that the foundation of his excellence was precisely this study abroad experience in England. During this study abroad expe…

Will Hisahito's "slash-and-burn agriculture essay" be used as a loophole to get into the University of Tokyo?

The Yahoo website that reported the news "Prince and Princess Akishino and Prince Hisahito traveled to Kumamoto" is as follows. news.yahoo.co.jp Many doubts and criticisms have been raised on the internet about this since its announcement.…

No More Deception - The Truth about former Empress Michiko and Prince Akishino’s Extravagance, Confusion, and the Conspiracy [originally posted on July 3, 2019 in Japanese]

The numerous worngdoings of so-called "Heisei Imperial Quartet" (former Empress Michiko, former Emper Akihito, Prince Akishino, and Princess Akishino) have been coming to light in the past few months through the internet. Empress Michiko, …

The Unification Church's scheme that justified contempt for the Japanese and exploitation for the purpose of invading Japanese politics, business, and even the imperial household

The Unification Church, which originated from the International Victory Over Communism Association, had a more prominent political nature than a religious one. In terms of brainwashing and "proselytizing" political sentiments through relig…

The articles written by Seiichi Kouchi, a former Imperial Household Agency employee who was once attached to the Emperor and Empress of the Heisei era, can be read

You can read numerous articles exposing the misconduct of former Empress Michiko, which were deleted from the internet due to pressure from Michiko. These articles include "Koshitsu Zeze Hihi Jiroku" and "Koshitsu Zeze Hihi Jitsuroku," bot…

Where is the origin of the plot to usurp the imperial throne by Michiko and Kawashima Tatsuhiko, Kiko's father?

What formed Michiko's resentment? Did she receive support from GHQ and have a smooth sailing start? The Emperor Showa and Empress Kojun were wary of Michiko The source of Michiko's grudge is her origin What formed Michiko's resentment? Wha…

Don't you feel embarrassed that your jealousy towards Empress Masako is driving you? It's widely known internationally, you know?

Michiko, the former empress has been the night demon possessed by jealousy. Do you realize how much she has damaged Japan's national interests? Now, she exposes her ugly form and has become a laughingstock. This is from her visit to Meiji …

A victory for the internet? Scandals involving former Empress Michiko and the Akishino Imperial Family keep coming to light one after another

More and more people are beginning to realize that former Empress Michiko was truly a person who practiced self-love. Recent activities of Empress Masako have shed light on the fact that there were bullying incidents aimed at her, which to…