Will Hisahito's "slash-and-burn agriculture essay" be used as a loophole to get into the University of Tokyo?

The Yahoo website that reported the news "Prince and Princess Akishino and Prince Hisahito traveled to Kumamoto" is as follows.


Many doubts and criticisms have been raised on the internet about this since its announcement. One such blog is as follows.


This blog post introduces Mr. Shinohara's YouTube video, which carefully follows the suspicions surrounding this trip that are mentioned in the video. The URL for Mr. Shinohara's YouTube video is as follows: "Examining Hisahito's Kumamoto trip: The numerous contradictions that arise."


Mr. Joichiro Shinohara previously worked on the "Cancellation of the Itsuki Village Kawabe River Dam Construction" issue and has a track record of successfully pushing for the cancellation of the dam construction, so he has a deep connection with Itsuki Village and is well-informed about its current situation. Based on this knowledge, it is speculated that Prince Hisahito has not visited Itsuki Village.

There are several reasons why Mr. Shinohara is presenting this information.

  • There are no videos, photos, or any other evidence that Prince Hisahito visited Itsuki Village.
  • The residence of the elderly woman in her 90s who claimed to have spoken with him is located in an area with very poor road conditions and is not a place where he could have been taken.
  • According to separate information, it is said that it rained on April 4th, the day when Prince Hisahito and his parents were supposed to have gone to Kumamoto. It is also reported that Itsuki Village was experiencing a power outage at that time.

Based on all of these contradictions, it can be concluded with a high degree of certainty that Prince and Princess Akishino, as well as Prince Hisahito, did not go on a trip to Kumamoto on April 4th.

Here, we can see the familiar backdoor entrance scenario that the Akishino family is known for. It goes something like this: First, spread information that Hisahito went on a trip to observe slash-and-burn agriculture. Then, have a ghostwriter write an essay about the "slash-and-burn trip," submit it to some contest and have it win a prize, and finally, use the "award" to gain a recommendation and get into the University of Tokyo. This scenario is the second part of the plan that allowed Hisahito to enter the Tsukuba University-affiliated high school.

Recently, there have been doubts raised on the internet about whether Prince Hisahito actually went to Ogasawara. Many people have been investigating this issue. The fact that the falsehood of the "slash-and-burn trip" has been exposed through investigation as described above raises the question of whether the same kind of deception was behind the Ogasawara trip and the essay. It is natural to suspect that there may have been a similar conspiracy behind the "slash-and-burn trip". However, it is difficult to understand why anyone would lend hands to such a scheme, and whether they have any academic integrity as scholars.

According to Mr. Shinohara, there were two people involved in this plan. They were Kazunobu Ikeya and Yu Terashima.

According to Mr. Shinohara, these researchers were conducting investigations in Itsuki village just before April 4th, when it was said that Prince Hisahito visited there. Furthermore, Mr. Ikeya was the one who organized the impromptu trip to Bhutan for Prince Akishino, his wife, and Hisahito. It is an all too transparent scheme that leaves one speechless.

What sets this incident apart from the one in Ogasawara is that the scenario was exposed beforehand. Firstly, why was it suddenly announced that Hisahito was "interested in slash-and-burn agriculture"? It is inconceivable that Hisahito, who is thought to have intellectual issues, would be interested in academic pursuits. Therefore, it is likely that such a scheme emerged using pseudo-scholars surrounding Prince Akishino.

What's different from the Ogasawara incident is that we, the netizens, have already anticipated the "get into Tokyo University with a slash-and-burn agriculture essay" scheme. The scheme has been exposed. Even if they still go through with it, criticism will inevitably extend not only to Kiko and Hisahito but also to the researchers who aided them.